Fun Time at Borneo T.R. Resort

Fun Time at Borneo T.R. Resort
Our Group Photo there

Friday, April 11, 2008

bye bye $$$

yup, its official. its the car battery that gave in. i just paid $70 for a new car battery and the car is working fine now. I believe a word of aprreciation shud be mentioned here to Ken (Rebecca's Husband) for coming to my house and bringing me out to a mechanic and buying the battery. i think i had a pretty good offer. $70 for a yokohama battery. (at least thats what i'm telling myself)

now that that's settled i need to start studying for my Maths test on saturday (which in fact is just tommorow, but saying saturday makes it feels like its still far away) . i think i have 3-4 chapter's to cover.

at least the week wasn't all bad. I think there's a high chance I'll be going down to miri and do some shopping with a few friends of mine. something nice to look forward to at least ^_^

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